Saturday, July 14, 2007

Business Not As Republican As You Think

I know that business always contributes to both sides of the aisle, they want to bet on a winner. However, this election more than any other in recent times sees business leaders as split as ordinary americans on their favorite for president.

This is the beginning of the "normalizing" of Hillary. I have to admit, I also thought she was unelectable a couple of years ago. However, I absolutely no longer believe that to be the case. Don't get me wrong, I'm not supporting her myself, but I believe you are a fool if you believe she cannot be elected. She is grinding people down, and I believe the effort to paint her as extreme in 2008 will not work. Republicans had better hope that this stiff, Romney, has something in his back pocket, or it's going to be a Dem.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

how do you spell Irony? G-O-R-E?

This weekend's concert fiasco for climate change featured one particularly hilarious event.....Al Gore introducing the Foo Fighters.

Back in the 1980's, when Centerline and I were both hard-rocking heavy metal fans, Tipper Gore founded the PMRC (parent music resource center) to fight against explicit lyrics. ....and all of a sudden it was harder for me to buy my Winger and Dokken casette tapes at the local Wal-Mart! So given that fact alone it was strange to see Gore rocking out with a band like the Foo Fighters. But it gets better....

The PMRC was founded in response to Al and Tipper's shock (SHOCK!) at the lyrics of one particular song - 'Darling Nikki' by Prince.

I knew a girl named Nikki/I guess u could say she was a sex fiend/I met her in a hotel lobbyMasturbating with a magazine/She said how'd u like 2 waste some time/And I could not resist when I saw little Nikki grind

I can't tell u what she did 2 me/But my body will never be the same/Her lovin' will kick your behind/Oh, she'll show u no mercy/But she'll sho 'nuff sho 'nuff show u how 2 grind

So Nikki sounds like a fun girl but still pretty explict lyrics for 1984 standards - but the best part is that the Foo Fighters recently had a succesful remake of this same 'Darling Nikki' in 2004! I guess algore got over his outrage?

Here's hoping that the Gore's enjoy the same lack of success with their current jihad against the fiction of 'global climate change' as they experienced with their crusade against free speech via the PMRC.


Supporting the Fallen

Regardless of your feelings on the runup to the war, the execution, and aftermath we should all do our part in supporting the troops. Not saying "I support the troops" but doing something in our own way to actually do it.

Here's a story of someone that does: