Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mexican Flag

The illegal Mexican immigrants protesting the latest immigration proposal would actually gain more sympathizers by flying the flag of the United States as opposed to Mexico's. It is their flying of the flag they abandoned which makes them look hypocritical and unwilling to become United States Americans.

- Hammer

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dubai Ports Part 2?

While everyone in the US has been distracted by the Dubai ports mess and the administration's failure to vet that transaction properly, Smartmatic, a Venezuelan firm implicated in voting fraud by Hugo Chavez' opposition, has quietly purchased Sequoia Voting Systems, one of this country's largest providers of electronic voting systems, without so much as a raised eyebrow from the Treasury Department's Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States (CFIUS). Is this a harmelss corporate purchase that warrants no economic or security concern on the part of our government, or is this further evidence of an incompetent White House asleep at the wheel? Regardless of how you feel about the transaction itself, don't be surprised to see this story take on a life of its own in the national press. It has the makings of yet another political football fumbled by the Bush administration, so Democrats and campaigning congressional Republicans may pick this one up and run with it over coming weeks.