Out of touch
My increasing disillusionment with GW has been heightened yet again by another item in the constant stream of evidence that he is completely out of touch. Halfway down this article one finds this line: "President Bush learned of the killings [of unarmed civilians in Haditha by U.S. Marines] only after a reporter from Time magazine asked questions."
This would be funny if it weren't true. Even for a President that is famously detached from the mainstream consciousness and proudly proclaims to avoid the news (as though this is something to be admired in a man charged with running the country), this revelation establishes a new standard of ignorance. This should be apalling regardless of one's partisan leanings.
The article goes on to say that, "Asked when Bush was first briefed about the events in Haditha, White House spokesman Tony Snow replied, 'When a Time reporter first made the call.'"
This despite the fact that the investigation had been ongoing since at least February and that the press had been well aware of it for weeks, if not months.
Thankfully for all of us the reporters at Time magazine are making sure our President is being briefed by his subordinates on matters of national and international import.
Although I have in the past resisted buying into the left's characterization of GW as some befuddled puppet controlled by nefarious ideologues that are actually in charge behind the scenes (a modern day Wizard of Oz with Cheney, Rove, et al pulling at his strings), the mounting evidence during his second term leaves little room for any further belaboring of this point.