Thursday, May 24, 2007

Election times are dangerous ones...

Well, I guess we are nearing some big election because here comes the first of many stupid bills:

Did any of our leadership take economics 101? I really cannot see how this will work and is just a land grab for more votes during the election season.

If this gets signed, and it won't, I can only see two things happening:

1) Long lines at the pump as 'big oil' curtails the product they are delivering. I mean why pump more when you are not incented to?
2) Nationalization of the industry. I mean if number 1 happens what is the next move in this chess game? I'm sure some of you think this is a bit extreme but don't you think that your average American thinks it is their 'right' to have cheap gas?

So look, get out of your SUV and buy a Prius or take the bus or your local rapid people mover (except in Miami) and leave Big Oil alone. It's simple supply and demand here folks. The U.S. has not built a refinery in over 20 years so as demand goes up and supply goes down well you guessed it....price goes up. ECO101. more final note. The way to help here long term. Nuclear. Cleaner, More Efficient, and Safer. But that topic is for another post.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hilarious anecdote

Turns out Duke Cunnigham didn't just lack in ethics, he was also short on class as well as taste in good steak. Funny stuff, I may have to get the book:
