Monday, July 16, 2007

Global Climate Change - A Complicated Question

Just to demonstrate that I am not some radical Greenpeace environmentalist, I thought I would post a link to one of the best articles I have come across that highlights some of the problems with the conclusions of many scientists regarding global climate change. There is a lot of ammunition here for you ostriches.

As I have said before, I cannot personally be sure that global climate change is occurring. However, imo, the cost of ignoring the problem far outweighs the cost of beginning to acknowledge it and develop a mitigation plan.

What I struggle with is what exactly are we supposed to do? On the one hand, I am generally not in favor of much (any) government regulation. On the other hand, I feel that this is one of those areas that is difficult for individuals or companies to control on their own. As libertarian as I may be, I find it difficult to imagine a world where there were no laws against pollution, for example.