Friday, September 15, 2006

Muslims Are Big Babies

Political correctness be damned... The Muslim world is a bunch of big babies. First they throw a tantrum over cartoons in a newspaper, and now they are up in arms over a theological discussion from the Pope. I don't care whether his comments were insensitive or not. They certainly were not worth the over the top reaction they are receiving.

The Muslim world reminds me of a spoiled child... that is now an adult. When a child is five years old, if they throw a fit, you punish them, they get themselves under control, and then they move on. However, if that same child is NEVER punished, then they grow up to be very dangerous, out of control adults. I am not suggesting that it is or was the job of the rest of the world to punish Muslims. At some point in the previous 800 years, moderate Muslim leaders did not punish the child that is the masses. At some point, some leader should have stood up and said, "Enough".

The Crusades were hundreds of years ago. Today, middle eastern Muslims are sitting on top of trillions of dollars in oil. There is NO reason that the Muslim world needs to lash out and blame the west for everything that happens to them. They have the means to be in control of their own destiny. If their life sucks, its their own damn fault, and the fault of the crooks that they have allowed to be their leaders.

So, go ahead Muslims, spew your hate on Carl Spackler you big bunch of babies...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Effective Political Force to govern Iraq

Good news! A government has finally been established that is exerting effective control over a third of Iraq. Bad news, that government is Al Qaeda. Senior American military officers now concede in an internal report that Anbar province, covering a third of the country, has been lost to Al Qaeda............
