Have you made up your mind?
Centerline and those in his family old enough to vote have reached a consensus.
We're voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton in the primaries (our state has closed primaries) and hoping that John McCain faces her in the General Election.
We believe that, if we have to have a Democrat as President, Hillary will be the least ideologically driven and most pragmatic, very much like her famous husband - and we would not have to renounce our citizenship.
Our choice for President is John McCain. These are the items which we perceive as his negatives, in descending order of relevance:
1. His attempts to impose restrictions on political speech through campaign finance reform.
2. His stance on the global-warming / climate change hysteria.
3. His stance against forceful interrogations based on his own personal experience.
His positives, which trump all negatives in our view, are (also in descending order of relevance):
1. His overriding pragmatism, which tempers ideology and will eventually drive him to see the error of his ways on 1 and 2 above.
2. His stance on national defense makes him the best candidate to achieve lasting peace and save American lives. Peace can only be achived, in our opinion, by being ethical and the strongest.
3. His position on restricting spending – the only real tax cuts that are possible – which often gets him in trouble with his colleagues.
4. His propensity to be a maverick – to stand against the tide on principle.
The Webb's are also voting McCain and in fact we made our first ever political contribution yesterday! Most troubling to me is the opposition to drilling in ANWR combined with his support for additional oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM)!!
Also, according to Rick Davis, McCain Campaign manager "We Are Going to Win" and here is why....
Good things happen to the best presidential candidate, and that's exactly what's happening to John McCain. This weekend, John McCain picked up the endorsement of three major newspapers in Iowa and around New Hampshire. The Des Moines Register, the largest newspaper in Iowa endorsed John McCain for president saying, "The force of John McCain's moral authority could go a long way toward restoring Americans' trust in government and inspiring new generations to believe in the goodness and greatness of America."
The Register's endorsement was followed by The Boston Globe and The Portsmouth Herald, two of the most popular newspapers in New Hampshire. Coming on the heels of the New Hampshire Union Leader's endorsement, this proves that John McCain is winning over the skeptics and is on his way to victory in the caucuses and primaries.
This morning, John McCain received the endorsement of Independent Senator Joseph Lieberman. Sen. Lieberman decided to cross party lines and endorse John McCain in the Republican primary because he knows that at this crucial time in America, we need a commander in chief with the experience and courage to lead this country on day one. He said, "When it comes to keeping America safe in this time of war, John has proven that he has the experience, the strength, and the character, to be our commander in chief from day one. ... When others were silent, and it was thought politically unpopular, John had the courage and common sense to sound the alarm about the mistakes we were making in Iraq and to call for more troops and a new strategy there. ... John had the courage and the common sense to stand against the tide of public opinion and support the surge in Iraq, where we are at last winning."
We are grateful for these endorsements as they only serve to validate what we have known all along; that John McCain is going to win the Republican nomination and the presidency.
With only 17 days until the Iowa Caucus and 22 until the NH Primary, we need your help more than ever. Please click here to make an immediate online contribution. We are finalizing our spending plans now and need all the money we can raise now so we can properly allocate resources in the final days of the campaign.
We are more confident now than ever that John McCain will be the nominee of our party for president and I hope that you feel the same way and choose to support us financially at this crucial time.
Rick Davis
Campaign Manager
PS: Take a look at the video of Senator Lieberman's endorsement this morning. We are honored to have the support of this good and patriotic American.
Ico and Mrs. Clast will both be voting for McCain in the primaries and the general election.
I really wanted him to get the Republican nomination in 2000 and I fervently believe that history has clearly proven our nation is much worse off for having given the nod and eventually the presidency to that other guy. As I look across the field in each party I still think McCain is the best person for the job.
I have differed with McCain on a number issues over the years, but there will never be a candidate that will completely reflect my views unless I run for office myself. McCain is the one guy that is near enough to my heart on more issues than any other, and he is the one person in politics whose character I respect the most. The man's character is unimpeachable, an incredible feat after a life spent in the most debasing pursuit of them all. The guy just oozes with character. And he is honest, another rare trait in politicians. He is the only politician I can think of that will say out loud what he believes even when he knows it will hurt his poll numbers - and he will say it DURING AN ELECTION, not after he wins or is a lame duck. How refreshing!
And in an election where experience is the issue being disputed and argued about the most, who has a greater claim than McCain? He has the best shot of beating any of the Democrats in a head to head race. He is the one candidate with the least cross-party negatives, and his ability to work across the aisle and compromise after so many years of my-way-or-the-highway polarization from both parties would be revolutionary. He is the antithesis of the modern pol and I would love to see him become President if only to prove to the modern political establishment that the vast center of the electorate will elect someone who is willing to work with the other side to get things done and will tell the people what he thinks, not what he thinks they want to hear. Hail McCain!
P.S. Ty, my contribution is on its way.
I know that Nym Pseudo was a big McCain fan at some point….. maybe he could get another couple of votes there. Florida will be a crucial state this coming election, almost a must-win for McCain if we start looking at the electoral math. Giulani probably has more centrist appeal and could put NY and NJ in play – or at least make Hillary divest some resources in those true-blue states, but we agree with Mr. & Mrs. Clast – McCain is our man if we get the chance to vote for him.
I have personally had the pleasure of meeting Mr. McCain in an event that was as non-political as someone in his position can get. During the Vietnam conflict, John McCain flew airplanes from the USS Forrestal, where I served some 14 years later, and he makes it a point to attend many of the ship’s reunions. After the 1967 Forrestal fire, where 134 American sailors died, most of the crew took the opportunity to return home for repairs and spend some of their combat tour stateside. Instead, he asked for a transfer and reported to another carrier, the USS Oriskany, and he became a prisoner after crashing. When he became sick, he was offered early release from the Hanoi Hilton and refused it based on his allegiance to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
He was not thinking of politics back then – and could have easily gotten a reprieve, since his father was an Admiral in the Pentagon – part of a legendary military family (grandpa McCain was also an Admiral during WWII). Anyway, I first heard of John McCain during my orientation as he had just retired from the Navy to run for the House of Representatives – and he was a larger than life figure amongst the “lifers.”
A couple of observations:
1. He has a low level of tolerance for incompetence and his temper does flare-up every once in a while.
2. He will dominate meetings. If he makes it to the Oval office, some may disagree with the direction but there will be no speculation as to the “brain-behind-the-man.”
3. I am looking forward to significant confrontations with the Congress. Just look at the CURRENT confrontations against his own party…..
Anyway, we have of course made our contribution and will continue to make them through the general election if he is the candidate.
I would like for McCain to be the candidate, and he has picked up some momentum recently, but I just don't think he can do it. At this point, I think it's going to be Giuliani, or God forbid, Huckabee.
On the Democratic side, I prefer Hillary over the rest. As Center put it, she would be the most pragmatic of the bunch.
Even the MSM acknowledges that McCain stands for principle:
it appears that McCain is now the chosen one (no offense to Kellen Winslow Jr.)
I think he owes this blog some credit for having the courage to promote him to over one dozen like minded people, many of whom are actually eligible to vote!
Can this really be?
Nader is back to help the GOP! errr motivate the Dems on issues of principle I mean! Will he steal enough votes from lefty radical nutjobs to weaken Hildabeast? while McCain/Rudy tickets pulls the moderates over to our side as well.
Standing by.....
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