Thursday, January 31, 2008

Flippity Flop

The Republican race is really heating up now that there are just two nationally viable candidates left going into SupertTue. I should have posted this prior to the Florida primary, but its a moot point since McCain won despite being outspent here by Romney by a factor of 10 to 1. Besides, Ico and Mrs Clast will be voting for whoever the eventual Republican candidate turns out to be, but I nonetheless have some serious misgivings about Romney's slick chameleonesque political persona.

Now, I am not implying that this guy changes positions as often as he changes his secret Mormon underwear*, I am coming right out and stating it loud and clear. This guy makes John Kerry look more obstinate than Bush! From

Minimum wage:
>"I think the minimum wage ought to keep pace with inflation. I think the minimum wage is a good thing to have in our economy and I think it ought to be updated." Boston Globe, 10/17/94 >"[T]he challenge with raising the minimum wage excessively is it is a hurt to those that are entering the work force, the very poor, those that are trying to get early jobs, get those first jobs." Associated Press, 7/25/06

Abortion rights:
>"I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard." Boston Herald Debate, 10/29/02
>"Roe v. Wade continues to work its destructive logic throughout our society This can't continue." Speech to the Massachusetts Citizens For Life Mother's Day Pioneer Valley Dinner, 5/10/07

Immigration reform:
>"With these 11 million people [here illegally], let's have them registered, know who they are....those that are here paying taxes and not taking government benefits should begin a process towards application for citizenship." Lowell Sun, 3/30/06
>"One simple rule: no amnesty.If that [Kennedy-McCain bill] is not a form of amnesty, I don't know what is." New York Times, 6/4/07

Gun laws:
>"We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts; I support them. I won't chip away at them; I believe they protect us and provide for our safety." Romney in 2002 gov. debate, Boston Globe, 1/14/07
>"I have a gun of my own. I go hunting myself. I'm a member of the NRA and believe firmly in the right to bear arms." Boston Globe, 1/14/07

Amendment to ban gay marriage:
>"Mitt does not support it...As far as Mitt is concerned, it goes farther than current law, and therefore it's unnecessary." Romney spokesman, Boston Globe, 3/22/02
>"When I was Governor, we took every conceivable step within the law to stop, block or slow down this unprecedented court decision." Speech to National Right to Life Convention, 6/15/07

The "No new taxes" pledge:
>"I'm not intending to, at this stage, sign a document which would prevent me from being able to look specifically at the revenue needs of the commonwealth" Associated Press, 3/27/02
>"Signing the pledge now sends a very clear message to those in Washington who have voted against tax relief and for tax hikes that such actions will never grow our regional and national economies." Romney spokesman, Boston Globe, 1/5/07

Cutting Social Security:
>"I don't think you go back and rewrite the contract the government has with people who've retired." Boston Globe, 10/17/94
>"Personal accounts would be a big plus."... [Romney]also said changing the retirement age could be considered, as well as basing the Social Security cost of living adjustment on a different inflation gauge. Union Leader, 6/7/07

Adoption non-discrimination:
>Governor Mitt Romney and a legislative leader yesterday delivered unwelcome news to the Catholic bishops of Massachusetts, who plan to seek permission from the state to exclude gay and lesbian parents from adopting children through its social service agencies. The governor said he was not authorized to give such an exemption... Boston Globe, 2/17/06
>"And then another slide along the slippery slope. The Catholic Church was forced to end its adoption service, which was crucial in helping the state find homes for some of our most difficult to place children... Now, even religious freedom was being trumped by the new-found 'right' of gay marriage." Speech to National Right to Life Convention, 6/15/07

Stem cell research:
>[Romney]endorsed embryonic stem cell research, saying the controversial science might one day help treat his wife's multiple sclerosis...."I am in favor of stem cell research. I will work and fight for stem cell research. I'd be happy to talk to [President Bush] about this, though I don't know if I could budge him an inch." Boston Globe, 6/14/02
>"FACT: Governor Romney Opposes Using Taxpayer Money to Fund Embryo-Destructive Research." A Record of Protecting Life

Bush tax cuts:
>Governor Mitt Romney refused yesterday to endorse tax cuts at the heart of President Bush's economic program...In addition to refusing to endorse the president's tax cut, the governor surprised several people at the meeting by saying he is open to a federal increase in gas taxes. Boston Globe, 4/11/03
>[Romney] said it was "absolutely critical" to renew tax cuts proposed by President George W. Bush. Letting them expire would result in a "massive tax increase" that would retard economic growth, Romney said. Detroit Free Press, 2/8/07

Reagan Republicanism:
>"I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I'm not trying to return to Reagan-Bush." Boston Herald, 10/27/94
>"Ronald Reagan is ... my hero. ... I believe that our party's ascendancy began with Ronald Reagan's brand of visionary and courageous leadership." Boston Globe, 1/19/07

Desire to serve in Vietnam:
>"I was not planning on signing up for the military. It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam..." Boston Herald, 5/2/94
>"I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there and in some ways it was frustrating not to feel like I was there as part of the troops that were fighting in Vietnam." Boston Globe, 6/24/07

All of the original positions he took came whilst he occupied the Massachusettes governor's mansion - one of the most liberal states in the union. The new revised Romney position comes now that he seeks the Republican nomination, a decidedly conservative proposition. Seems to me this guy will say whatever he thinks voters want to hear. That's the antithesis of John McCain who told Michigan voters that the auto industry jobs were not coming back - which is absolutely true but not a very smart political thing to utter on the stump. Still, very refreshing of the Iron Horse.


*Not that there's anything wrong with secret Momon underwear. I mean, really, if that's your bag then more power to ya!


At 4:07 PM , Blogger The Iconoclast said...

I also strongly feel that there is nothing wrong with marching in gay pride parades, if that's your bag. Just don't accuse the other guy of being a liberal......

At 2:14 PM , Blogger Ty Webb said...

Romney, and presumably his underwear, have withdrawn....Viva McCain!

At 8:49 AM , Blogger Ty Webb said...

is Algore now the likely nominee? Here's one guy who at least makes the case.....


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