Thursday, April 20, 2006

United 93...too early?

I watched several morning news shows and they all had the same story regarding this movie. Was it too soon to show it? I sat their in disbelief as talking head after talking head reiterated the same thing. I couldn't understand how seeing a movie like this is too soon.

We have Monday morning quarterbacked this whole war on a daily basis but something that shows the major event of our lifetime is too early? Whether you believe going to Iraq was right or wrong does not remove the threat of Islamist Fundamentalism. And it is a threat. I think most of us here, even the ones who believe that most are going to HELL, would live and let live. However, if there were 100 9/11's tomorrow there would be dancing in the streets across the Middle East.

Whether you like it or not, this is a big threat to us and our way of life. Too early? We are too late to the game. It started with apathy and ignorance during the Carter regime and continues today. Everyone has put away their flags for now waiting to dust them off as the next 'big' thing happens.