Tuesday, March 14, 2006

France, an interesting place to visit but....

Actually, the food was good, people were generally nice, metro was excellent, and culture was great.

But this post really was about watching the foreign media for 7 days. During our respite between the Louvre, Tower, and various other activities, I plopped down and watched the various news reports from France, Germany, London, and CNN European style.

The biggest news story while I was there was the Dubai issue and what struck me the most was how their press seemed to get it and ours seemed to just miss the point. It wasn't the stance they took but the fact that they actually dug a little deeper into the issue rather than how it affected poll numbers or what talking head they could get on next to rant and rave.

Basically, we are being portrayed as the typical 'American' who says one thing and does another. We want to export all of our goods and services in the spirit of a free market economy whilst we deny the free market economy at home. The various spots went on to depict our jingoistic feelings on the matter and the mad dash for Dems and Repiblicans alike to grab air time to discuss an issue that evokes emotional reactions quickly with little thought into the issue.

The funny thing is that I am not sure how I really feel on this issue. I do know one thing...all sides are banged up on this one and it pissed me off. The Republicans who dip on the President who hasn't vetoed crap as we approach 2006, the Dems who would be on the Dubai side if they were in control now just looking for an easy issue, and the administration for not having all i's dotted and t's crossed when this issue would obviously come to the forefront.

I'm ready for a change....not for a Democrat, not for an independent, not for another Republican; I just want someone smart who actually cares about moving this country forward. (Maybe a morph between the best of Clinton and the best of Bush)

Well, as many of you know Nym just returned from a trip to france. I will post my thoughts in another entry but as usual I give to you my favorite photo from the trip. I decided not to give my normal wave so as not to spark any controversy or have a Nym Effigy hung from the Eiffel Tower.

Welcome to Some Differing Points of View

I'm posting this to let you know that I just invited a number of people to join the Blog that I believe will add a great deal of content and conversation from a more liberal point of view. Let's play nice together and I'm sure we will all benefit from the lively dialogue. I think we have all agreed that most of the current people on this Blog think too much alike.