Thursday, September 14, 2006

Effective Political Force to govern Iraq

Good news! A government has finally been established that is exerting effective control over a third of Iraq. Bad news, that government is Al Qaeda. Senior American military officers now concede in an internal report that Anbar province, covering a third of the country, has been lost to Al Qaeda............



At 8:45 AM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

I still cannot believe Rumsfeld is in office. I think at this point, Iraq is either already IN a civil war, or they soon will be. The hubris of Rumsfeld's decision to attack Iraq without the number of troops the military wanted to secure the country comes back to haunt us again and again and again.

We need to begin to move slowly towards a controlled process of partitioning the country. Maybe if we help facilitate the partition, we can avoid an all out civil war (although this is doubtful).


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