Friday, July 06, 2007

On the ground in Baqubah


At 4:29 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

I read this article and then another one on the site (the one where the officer gets shot in the alley).

Stories from the ground in Iraq like this one only serve to confirm my opinion that our military today is, on the whole, the best it has been for a long, long time. I have nothing but respect for these guys, and no matter what people in the U.S. think about the situation in Iraq, we should be proud of the guys we send over there. (We need to do a better job taking care of them once they come home injured as well.)

However, nothing in this article convinces me that we should continue to stay in Iraq any longer. Had we had the troops available just after the fall of Baghdad to take this neighborhood by neighborhood approach right off of the bat, we may have been able to "innoculate" Iraq against the type of terrorism and sectarian violence we see today. Unfortunately, we were not able to do that, and so now we are fighting a losing battle against a well established infection.

We've got to get out, and let regional powers step up to the plate to work out this mess.

At 7:22 PM , Blogger Ty Webb said...

I saw this article on NRO today - never heard of the writer which makes me wonder why he is in the top left on National Review? Kinda like Spacklers describtion of the way Fox covered the Libby pardon

But Carl....who are these regional powers how do we get the regional powers to 'step up to the plate?'

And what is the contingency plan if the regional powers either fail to cowboy up when we leave or worse yet the regional power that does step up is Iran? Lieberman has some thoughts on that here...

Staying in Iraq is a bad option - but it is the least bad of those available to us now...

At 11:15 PM , Blogger Centerline said...

I an rare show of agreement with Mr. Spackler, I think that while I would stay in Iraq for the duration (I feel the fight is worth having, the results will be there and the alternative is unfathomable), the country would not.

One of the drawbacks of living in a democracy such as ours is that it is quite easy to exploit the electorate’s lack of awareness and projection for short term political gain. I believe that if we do not leave soon, the country will vote the troops out – in spite of the consequences.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the triumph of Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan over reason. I am not by any means defending the stupidity of the administration – I am simply pointing out the fact that the enemies of our country have won. And they’re not all Muslim.

At 12:59 AM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

Interesting point of view...

Bush had plenty of rope after 9/11. He actually won the war as well in just about as perfect a fashion as the military possibly. The military also stomped the Taliban out like Smokey the Bear on a Campfire.

Michael Moore and Sheehan only got the light of day because the astute members of his cabinet did not know what to do next....

At 8:24 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

There is no doubt that Iraq will be a disaster when we leave. However, I think things may have to get better before they get worse for them.

IMO, one significant quote from Lieberman's op-ed is the following, "The Iranian government, by its actions, has all but declared war on us and our allies in the Middle East." The operable words there are ALL BUT. Let's wake up and smell the coffee. The American people are a fearsome lot when you punch us in the face. We have withstood many bloody battles in our history, and we will do so in the future as well. However, we as a people will NOT support a war when we are "threatened" with a punch in the face. This may be a dangerous policy in today's nuclear world, but it is the only policy that is practical.

One of Bush's enduring historical legacies is going to be the concept of the pre-emptive war. My personal opinion is that the history writers will not be kind to this concept.


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