Monday, July 02, 2007

A question on fundraising...

Does anyone know what the surge in the Democrats fund raising is from? Is this big contributors or more of the internet fund raising we saw in the last election?

Also, do you think with the primary fund raising be strong that we will see an even stronger fund raising next year for the candidate or less because the givers are tapped out?

Yours Truly,

P.S. I know this is a righty circle jerk. Hopefully the leftist Centerline will post on this.


At 6:41 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

I don't have any facts on the demographics of the surge, but I surmise that it is a groundswell of liberal and center left people that are disgusted with Bush. I think it's very similar to the abundance of money that Bush himself was able to raise in the 2000 election on the basis of disgust with Clinton.

Personally, I'm disgusted with Bush as well.

At 10:01 PM , Blogger The Iconoclast said...

I surmise that the Anti-Bush factor is definitely being felt in both parties.

Word on the street is that the surge for Dems is coming from average folks that don't normally donate. At least this seems to be the case with Obama. Since the launch of his campaign 110,000 contributors have donated online. Overall he has 238,000 donors giving him 359,000 contributions which means that he is getting lots of people to donate small amounts - $5 and $10 at a time. He raised $10.3M of his record $32.5M from the web. This is a scary development for his opponents because it means he will be able to continue tapping them for these five and dime donations long after the big donations that generally fund most candidates is tapped out. You go only go to the $2300 well so many times...actually only once according to election law.

On the Repub side Mitt Romney fell short of his $21M goal with Giuliani expected to come in around that number when he announces in the next two days. This is fully $10M less than the two leaders on the Dem side. McCain, at $11M, is literally falling to pieces in the polls and in the purse as his support of Bush on Iraq and immigration has practically doomed his chances with rank and file GOP donors as well as voters.

At this point any perceived connection to GW Bush is the kiss of death.

At 10:13 PM , Blogger The Iconoclast said...

One additional point someone else noted on another blog: Obama raised more online this quarter than Edwards raised in toto.


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