Friday, July 06, 2007

Obama - 1; Field - 0

Hmmmm, is this guy really going to stick with this or will he change as most. I really feel this is something that needs to be introduced into our school system. The only way kids become the best and brightest is if they are taught by the best and brightest.


At 4:22 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

A good start. Let me know when he supports vouchers.

At 11:31 PM , Blogger Centerline said...

I am encouraged by the gradual step, but I think that it is too little and too late. Most of us who write here are too old, and if your children have already been born it would be difficult to implement, but real reform must come from the realization that our children are too important to entrust them to a government institution for a third of their day. Much less a unionized government institution.

I am flabbergasted every time I hold a conversation with Mr. Spackler (yes, I know who he is), and he tells me that we need to “invest more in education.” On any other issue, he’d realize that the investment we’d made so far has yielded negative results. He’d see that the unionized labor force shepherding our children through the public school system is antiquated, counterproductive, unyielding and most importantly DOES NOT SHARE OUR GOALS FOR OUR CHILDREN.

My children are way too old to worry about this, but it would be great if my grandchildren could attend schools run by the people who brought us Exxon-Mobil, Bristol-Myers-Squibb, Accenture, Coca-Cola and McDonalds, instead of the people who brought us the United Auto Workers, the Teamsters, the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA. There are some ENRON, Tyco and WorldCom examples out there, but I challenge anyone on this board to name an efficient entity run by the government. And, for every ENRON, Tyco and Worldcom there are literally thousands of efficient examples on the best way to achieve any objective in delivery of products or services. Again, can anyone name an efficient example of a government entity, let alone thousands?

Call me crazy, but I think the children are our future and thus too precious to entrust to anyone except the best possible providers.

At 8:28 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

I've never said that the government needs to RUN education, just that they should invest in it. I would be very comfortable with vouchers that would enable lower income individuals choose a private option for education.


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