Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Since we have many lurkers and few posters...

And I'm tired of no liberals posting...

I think we should opent this up to the public and see what happens. Maybe we can get a boisterous poster or two to stumble in here.



At 7:29 AM , Blogger The Iconoclast said...

It would certainly be an interesting experiment. And if it doesn't work we can always make it private again. It certainly gets my vote.

At 7:29 AM , Blogger Centerline said...

I resent that remark. I post and read NYT.

At 8:47 AM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

We can try, but we will likely get a lot of offensive remarks. We will have to monitor the site closely. Everyone may get more e-mails than they really want as well.

Anyway, can everyone else weigh-in on this idea? If everyone wants to try it, I will make Ico, Nym, and Center administrators along with me so that we can all monitor what is being posted.

At 2:34 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

Okay... We can open this up for comment. However, just in case we get a bunch of comments, Nym, can you turn off the e-mail notifications of posts?

I personally do not think anyone but us even reads this blog. We're not that interesting.

At 8:03 AM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

Nym, did you handle the e-mail yet?


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