Why do McCain and Feingold want to suppress Free Speech?
The McCain-Feingold law, whose best accomplishments to date are the creation of moveon.org and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, imposes heretofore unthinkable limits on their employers’ ability to express political opinions.
In a country where the KKK marches regularly through Selma, AL, neo-Nazi skinheads parade at the Jewish Holocaust Memorial and left-wing patriots burn the flag in front of the Vietnam monument, why is it appropriate to impose restrictions on political dissent at the time when we’re choosing our representatives?
This alone would cause me, if I was a Republican, not to vote for McCain in the primary.
Didn't the Supreme Court uphold an Appeals Court ruling this week that ruled some of the restrictions on campaign advertising were unconstitutional? Has McCain/Feingold brought up new restrictions?
The restrictions in question were originally set forth by McCain/Feingold, whose textbooks in Constitutional law were purchased used and thus were missing that First Ammendment page.
This M/F law is not so much about the restrictions on what to say, but rather as to when to say it. Which, in my view, is the dumbest argument - I want to hear the unrestricted political speech around election time.
The Supreme's story is what originally triggered my recent post.
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