Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The official democratic position on Iraq

Finally some clarity from the Chairman himself.



At 11:36 PM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

I love Dean!!!

At 8:48 PM , Blogger Centerline said...

You leave Chairman Dean alone. Cindy Sheehan, Chairman Dean and Michael Moore are the people who, through their love for America, best represent the country's interests.

We, the concerned citizens of this country, should be behind them all the way, telling the voters how we are going to lose the Iraq war.

At 9:25 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

Comparing Iraq to Vietnam is a valid exercise. Personally, IMO, there are many more dissimilarities that similarities between the two, but that does not make the comparison, "outrageous". If I ever did come to the conclusion (which we did in VN) that this process was unwinnable, then staying ONE MORE DAY would be tragic.

I will say this... I agree with the plan that Bush now has, and I support staying in Iraq to finish what we started. However, IMO, if we had put 100K more troops on the ground day 1, we might not have the same level of issues we are having now. I blame Rummy for this call.


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