Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Democrat gets beyond the Rhetoric


At 1:40 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

I completely agree with everything said in this article. Republicans should be ashamed they cannot enunciate support for the war so clearly without calling to question people's patriotism.

At 2:03 PM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

yes, we know you hate rummy and cheney.

At 2:34 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

Think of how much more productive our troops would be if they did not have to combat the spectre of Abu Ghraib. THAT little problem was all due to Rummy.

At home, Cheney makes the PR campaign for the war be that much more difficult by being a complete dickhead.

At 2:53 PM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

well, don't you also think it is counterproductive for many democrats to talk about how bad it is in Iraq (it is not, see hte op-ed piece), how we are losing the war (we are not, the casualties are minimal), and allude to the fact that we must leave (and yet when it comes to a vote only three of them vote for it).

There is enough mud on both sides. I applaud Joe Lieberepublican for his observations.

At 5:28 PM , Blogger Centerline said...

As a Dean-Moore-Crat, I am ashamed that my party rejected The Honorable Gentleman from Connecticut so soundly and so early in our primary. What does that say for our chances of capturing the hearts and minds of general election centrists that sway the elections?


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