Parental Notice for Abortions
Here is the background:
Not being a parent, I am not passionate about this one. However, I feel that rights of privacy to such items as this should not extend to minors. Society says that parents must parent but how can they unless they have information on what is or has happened to their children. We all have said several times how we have made stupid decisions when we were younger that we would not make again given our life experiences. This is one of the main roles of the parent: to impart their experiences on their children to ensure they do not make mistakes.
I am not sure why people think minors should have this right? They are not adults, they do have rights but certainly not the same rights as adults.
Interested to hear dissenting points of view.
Heard this one on NPR this morning. I have no issue requiring parental consent as long as there is an exception in the case of immediate risk to the mother. Now, to prevent activist docters from exploiting this loophole, there would need to be some language around what constituted an immediate risk to the mother.
I heard the NPR piece from Totenberg as well ..... I cannot believe we're even discussing this, and it goes to show the lunacy of the pro-choice fringe. They're trying to create a loophole the size of Texas to avoid something that is highly improbable, thus infringing on parental rights. Like in most issues, I am more of a libertarian on this; but in a state where minors must get parental consent for ear piercing, I don't think they should be able to undergo a major medical procedure of their own accord.
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