Tuesday, September 11, 2007

This guy gets on the dias huh?




At 8:07 AM , Blogger Ty Webb said...

he is from Ohio like James Traficant - mebbe when he is out of jail they can run on the same ticket?

Guys like this (and Ramsey Clark) are giving aid and comfort...

At 8:35 AM , Blogger John Dickman said...

giving "aid and comfort" - to who? who is your enemy in this situation and how is he giving them aid? what exactly does he say here that you don't agree with?

it is clear that kucinich is an idealist and completely unelectable, but i can't find much in this interview that i don't agree with. now kucinich is a complete dove, which is unacceptable, but i'm not hearing any other better ideas from his opponents on either side of the aisle. reperations? sure, if we want to rebuild iraq, what is that if not reperations? answer - $$money$$ for the US. it was done for halliburton and other similar corporations. it was done for influence in the region with the niave assumption that this would not destabalize it (look at what is happening in Pakistan as a indirect result...plus the bolstering of a crazy president in Iran who can now enflame other muslims to become a radical).

millions of lives were lost of destroyed...for what? we desperately want to believe that somehow we did this for noble reasons - i submit that we did is soley for greed.

At 2:57 PM , Blogger The Iconoclast said...

Ahhhh, yes reparations. Lets just dole out a whole bunch of money and that'll solve everything. Socialists all think alike and Kucinich's red knickers are showing.

Talk of financial reparations is nonsensical. The Iraqis don't want or need forty acres and a mule. The best and only reparations we should strive to give them is a stable security environment that allows them to establish the apparatus for governing and self-security so establish an economy, pump oil, pay themselves reparations and begin living in some semblance of peace. If they are unable or unwilling to legitimize our blood, sweat and treasure by establishing this for their own common good (and they have thus far proven completely incapable of it) the next best thing we can do is to minimize our own losses and get the hell out of there as quick as we can. And I may in some way be in agreement with Kucinich on that point.

Any financial reparations we sent over there would only be siphoned directly into the pockets of whichever thugs end up in power, and the average Iraqi citizens will never see a penny, unless they get a close look at the new guns the thugs buy with our money. Reparations is no solution, its just another bigger problem.

I do have to agree with Nchokie that I don't think he's giving aid and comfort. I become uncomfortable when people use that term or question patriotism as a cudgel for infringing another's free speech. He is free to cavort to whatever overseas cesspits he wishes to, commiserate with whatever minor potentates he likes to suck up to, and say whatever absurd imbecility emanates from his radical brain. It will only further guarantee that even more thoughtful Americans will never cast a vote for the guy. And I don't even care if our enemy takes comfort in it, its the price we pay for liberty.

Lastly, Kucinich has, quite properly, zero chance of getting any votes from the intelligent and non-radical majority of the electorate. Good riddance to his pointless candidacy and please bother me not any further with the whimsical musings of unelectable fringe figures that have no rightful claim to the national dialogue.

At 3:58 PM , Blogger John Dickman said...

I agree that sending cargo loads of greenbacks would be stupid....but maybe we could just "repair" some of the crap (bridges, power grids, water purification plants, schools, roads, etc) that we broke. Most of these things aren't far from their initial state after our "shock and awe" campaign, even in Bagdad. If we had put our efforts where we said we would instead of first focusing on building 30-some-odd huge permanent US military bases, maybe we wouldn't have so quickly have lost the hearts and minds of the iraqi people. We have been, and will likely continue to play into the hands of the radical islamic fringes of what was once a relatively liberal middle eastern nation. Well, we can kiss that goodbye. I don't have a solution, and I haven't heard one yet from either side of the aisle.

Speaking of your fringe elements who don't deserve and press time on this blog :-) What about Ron Paul...the Republican equivalent to Kucinich.

At 5:52 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

Whoa, Nelly!

Look, I think we need to pull out of Iraq right now. It was a mistake to go in, and any further loss of American life is unacceptable. I also agree that Kucinich can say whatever he wants. It's his opinion, and he's entitled to it.

That being said, here's mine. I say BS to the left wing crap about "Halliburton" driving this war. That is crap. I don't care how bad a President that Bush ends up being, there is no way that I believe he decided to go to war to fatten the wallets of American business.

Next, I say BS to the concept of "reparations" to the poor and helpless Iraquis. We have spent money on a lot more than just military bases over there, and that is just from a dollars and cents perspective. From the human cost, thousands of our troops are dead or wounded trying to provide a stable environment for Iraq to rebuild. If the Iraquis do not have the balls to step up to the plate and grab the opportunity that they have been presented with, then they deserve the next religious - fascist dictator that cowes them under his thumb.

What the hell!!! Was the U.S. any less of a mess at the end of the Civil War? Did we slide into guerilla war or terrorism? It's left wing moral relavitism to blame the U.S. for all of the problems in Iraq. The Iraquis have got to build this country for themselves, or kill each other over it.

I am sorry that the U.S. triggered this situation, however, I submit that if you had taken a poll before the war, and you asked ALL Iraquis whether or not they would like for Saddam to be gone, and then have the problem for themselves of filling the power vacuum at the top, you would have gotten well over 50% of the vote to take him out.

At 10:30 AM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

Saying the war was for directly for Haliburton and that millions have died is about as sensical as saying that Iraq was directly linked to 9/11. Move on moveon.org supporter....

At 6:26 PM , Blogger John Dickman said...

moving on... :-)

At 1:35 AM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

See we can be fair....



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