Thursday, August 17, 2006

Do as I say....

Another example of a leading politician who says one thing and two minutes later does another:


At 11:57 AM , Blogger The Iconoclast said...

You used the magic word: "politician". These guys make me sick.

Thing is, the Dems are trying to make Obama out to be some kind of unimpeachable idealist that can make a run for the presidency in the future when he's just another sound bite chasing politico.

At 2:42 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

I really can't understand how politicians can be this stupid. Wouldn't it be so easy for him to expand his base by driving something a bit less extreme? He's got plenty of money.

At 3:13 PM , Blogger John Dickman said...

During one of my less than tactful dinner time arguments, I was having a heated debate with my cousin who is a huge Rush Limbaugh fan about global warming. He said that there was no clear evidence of global warming caused by pollution and pointed to the head of the hurricane center in Miami who is also a doubter of our effects in the warming cycles.

"How can you dismiss Al Gore's film based simply on your dislike for the man! You haven't even seen it!", I exclaimed.

My cousin then pointed out that I drive a Nissan Titan Crew Cab.

I promptly shut up, much to the delight of my family. Hypocrites abound.


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