My Disgust Will Be Complete
If Bush vetoes the Stem Cell bill today, making it the first veto of his presidency, my disgust with the Bush administration will be complete. Just about the only thing this president has done right, FOR ME, is cut taxes. He SPENDS like a drunken sailor. He could have used his veto at any point over the last few years to veto some of these pork laden monstrosity bills that he has happily put his signature on. Yet here we are, with the first veto being something that most people in the country actually favor. Other than Ico, I don't know much about the religious views of many of you on this blog. However, I will say this. If your religious views lead you to believe that discarding the embryos (used to generate these stem cells) is better than destroying them in the generation process, then you had better go sit in the corner and wait for the rapture.
Not sure if my disgust could be increased at this point but I'm sure that Billy Graham has told W that the rapture is just around the corner.
Careful here guys....while my disgust for W is at an all time high his comments today actually strike a pretty balanced tone IMHO.
Here is a relevant quote....
"If this bill would have become law, American taxpayers would, for the first time in our history, be compelled to fund the deliberate destruction of human embryos. And I'm not going to allow it. "
When was the last time that we forced our taxpayers to fund a federal program that is abhorrent in the eyes of many of our religous citizens? There have been a few (pick a war, abortion, captial punishment etc) but as a country we should not disregard the views of our citizens in a condescending fashion....
I am also wondering if the NYTimes crowd would be willing to trivialize religous objections to this if the religion in question was Islam or Judiasm....
Thoughts on that one?
Full text can be found here
Some funny quotes I found online:
"Maybe Bush would pass the bill if, instead of research, the stem cells would be used for torture."
"If God wanted to cure or treat diseases affecting 100 million people, he would've put a sane person in the Oval Office."
"To Bush's credit, the ailing and enfeebled can't vote, let alone fund a Republican campaign."
Hey kids, just thought I would frame this debate in the proper context with the latest results from the Rapture Index:
Today the Index stands at a disconcerting 158. In short, if you don't want to get left behind you'd better get Jesus quick.
Here are some facts:
- Abortion of embryo's of the age we are dealing with now (between the 4th and 7th DAYS of fertilization) is legal.
- Therefore, we are not, by the current law, murdering anyone for these stem cells.
- There are currently around 100,000 of these embryos sitting in fertility clinics around the country. Most are destroyed after the "parents" do not need them any longer.
Therefore, what would we rather do, destroy these embryos or use them to help cure people around the world. For me, the debate is clear. IF and when abortion of this age embryo becomes illegal, then, in my opinion, the parameters of this argument change.
Carl, I recently read an article saying that there are approximately 500,000 frozen embryos in U.S. fertility clinics. Much more than people had suspected.
Interestingly enough, even the most staunchest pro-choicers have difficulty letting their fertilized embroyos thaw out. And when they instead allow other perspective parents use their cells, in over 50% of cases, they change their minds at the last minute.
Science is making it easier to produce more fertilzed eggs and at the same time use fewer to impregnate a host.
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