Thursday, May 18, 2006

Fast Rats

I am tempted to characterize the mass abandonment of GW by every element of his base with the traditional "rats off the sinking ship" metaphor, but I don't think I've ever seen rats move so fast:


At 11:43 AM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

These guys see the writing on the wall... That is, that no matter what Bush does between now and the Fall, the Republicans are going to lose seats. I do not believe they will lose enough seats to lose a house, but they will lose seats nonetheless. These "social conservatives" do not want to be associated with a loss, therefore, they will remove their support.

Pathetic. These religious meddlers are one of the main reasons (along with the history of ridiculous spending by this administration and congress), are one of the main reasons that I am an independent.


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