Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Third Party Wins On Immigration

A recent Rasmussen poll indicates that while Democrats currently hold a 12-point advantage over Republicans on a generic 2008 Presidential ballot, a third-party candidate focusing on tough immigration enforcement issues could potentially beat both candidates from both parties . Read more here:


At 6:03 PM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...


You and I had an extensive talk on this exact same poll. I'm not surprised at all and neither were you. I would definitely vote for a third party as I am embarassed by the Republicans and their last few years. I also have no faith in a party who is going to support a retread who is wayyyyyy to the left as an alternative.

Sigggggggggh. Maybe Johhny Mac will lose in the primaries and be that candidate. He'd have my vote.

At 12:27 AM , Blogger Centerline said...

Curiously enough, I find myself close to the Libertarian view on this issue.


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