Friday, December 09, 2005

The Start of the First U.N. Resolution

Let's see how the U.N. does at it this time.....


At 11:12 AM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

I would be surprised if they do anything. I think they need to pursue sanctions, but I think the Europeans think that is what the U.S. wants, so they won't want to do it.

At 10:53 PM , Blogger Centerline said...

A situation which will solve itself, obviously. The U.N. sanctions were already approved by the State of Israel - or perhaps you haven't heard the news.

You see, in Hebrew, when Iranian President Ahmadinejad says "Iran is building an atomic weapon and we want to push Israel into the sea," it translates into:

"I am a crazy piece of shit and I want Israel to destroy my nuclear program."

And then, when Sharon says "We have no plans to attack Iran," that translates into:

"We're nuking the nukes."

I propose that France should immediately submit a resolution condemning Israel's action..... might as well get started, 'cause it's coming.


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