Thursday, December 08, 2005

Whatever happened to the "Bush lied on WMD's movement?"

Am I the only one keeping this alive?


At 1:54 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

Bush is having PR problems in so many areas that the dem's can afford to let that one go...

At 2:45 PM , Blogger Fractal Dimension said...

Everyone had to let this go because both parties were responsible for that debacle. To think that Congress did not have access to the same information as the White House is ridiculous. To continue to attack President Bush would bring similar attacks upon themselves for their own failures.

At 4:59 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

Although I think you are correct that both parties were responsible, I don't think that's why they stopped talking about it. They stopped because there is juicier stuff out there. Politicians rarely let a little thing like the truth get in the way of a good story.

At 6:45 PM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

What is juicier right now than WMD and lying? Lying is what got Clinton in trouble and the parallel is there for impeachment.

At 7:02 PM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

you mean McCain don't you? I don't see how the Democrats will be able to attack a war hero.

McCain v. Hillary.....smoke em while you got em.

At 8:02 PM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

$100 to anyone who wants to take the bet...McCain v. Everyone.

At 3:45 PM , Blogger Centerline said...

$100, eh? Now I know who you are... the betting gave it away


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