Sunday, November 27, 2005

Interesting Article on new DOD Agency

From Robert...


At 5:50 PM , Blogger Centerline said...

While I can see the reasoning behind the expanded surveillance and capabilities, I think it needs to be done under public scrutiny. So, God help me, I agree with Wyden.

At 2:33 AM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

I also believe in public scrutiny. For those of you who believe this and the Patriot Act go to far....can you tell me someone (or have a personal experience?) that has been directly affected?

At 2:39 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

I don't think there are many (any) examples of the gov't taking advantage of the Patriot Act. However, I am unwilling to rely on the continued good behavior of future administrations that may not be as reluctant to pull the trigger. If someone CAN infringe on my rights, IMO, they eventually WILL infringe on my rights.


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