Friday, May 18, 2007


Hot Topic. New Bill.


I'm a bit peeved about it and hope that some serious changes happen before this gets signed.

1) I'm not sure that I like the fact that people get amnesty and never have to become citizens. The does not make a lot of sense to me.

2) Granting amnesty simply because you do not want to or cannot enforce laws seems stupid to me. I mean what makes this bill any more enforceable?

3) The registration process for all types of work (including your lawn person, maid, or handyman) seems laborious and invasive.

4) Edward Kennedy.

On a positive note:

1) I do like the point system as it will help ensure that we get the best of the best. That is truly what has made this country a leader in the past and this point system seems to help continue that tradition of getting the best and brightest from other countries.

2) Border security seems to be improved through this bill. Unfortunately, I have not been able to read the opinons of anyone other than Chertoff on whether this is enough.

Any other thoughts?


At 8:39 AM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

1 - How can you make someone become a citizen? If they are to remain legal, they will have to pay taxes and continue to operate within our laws. That is sufficient to me.

2 - The laws are primarily unenforceable due to economic circumstances. Logistically, they would be difficult to enforce as well, but we have to be realistic here. You can't just start enforcing immigration rules you have never paid attention to.

3 - Agreed.

4 - Ridiculous partisan comment.

At 10:07 PM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

1. But never become citizens? If we are not putting people on the path to citizenship then why are we granting them this special status. Makes no sense to me.

2. Hold on now. That makes no sense at all. If laws are unenforceable then we should wipe them off the books? Is that what you are saying? My beef is that we have laws and we do not enforce them. Now we come up with new ones. Why should I believe that those will be enforced.

3. Great....

4. Edward Kennedy and I pretty much look at everything differently. Except that we both like to hoist a few. If he is for something, I am probably going to be against it. Nothing partisan about it at all and certainly not ridiculous. Tongue in cheek maybe but there is little that he and I would agree upon.

At 11:13 PM , Blogger The Iconoclast said...

The good news for you is that serious changes are bound to happen before this thing gets passed by either house - it doesn't have a snowball's chance of getting enough votes as it stands now. The bad news is that you, nor anyone else, will like the final compromise any better.

At 11:28 PM , Blogger The Iconoclast said...

By the way, Truth Laid Bare has a utility for researching the immigration bill here:



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