Cartoon Flap
We cannot let this issue go by without getting significant comment by this group... I just cannot get enough of the Muhammad cartoon story. It's fascinating to see this thing develop. On the one hand, you have the policitically correct leaders of Europe apologizing left and right for the cartoons. Newspapers are pissed, and they are reprinting the cartoons all over the place. I'd really like to know where the person on the street stands.
On the other side, the entire Muslim world does not see the complete hipocrisy of their outrage over these cartoons leading normal people on the street to say, "Death to Denmark", "Death to France"! Somehow, moderate Muslims have GOT to take back control of their religion.
And, for any PC people out there on the blog (I don't think there are any), I do not think we would have the same problem with a denigrating cartoon or work of art about Jesus. I know there is a new television series coming this season that depicts him chatting with a guy every week that many conservatives are upset about. However, unless I have missed something, they are not out saying "Death to such and such network".
And we wonder why they don't take to democracy... apparently depicting Muhammad at all, wether positive or negative is sacrilegous. I bet that in many countries the crime of not capitalizing the word 'islam' would be punishable by beheading in front of a mosque...or at least a good old fashioned flaying.
I'm also not surprised that this cartoon started in Europe. If this was in the US it would only run once and followed by a nationwide appology. But we would do this partly because of our more religous population. Most of Europe is significantly less religious and possibly therefore less bound by any of their common dogma.
As far as these muslims saying that these countries are feuling the fire, it is hard to not fuel a fire that has been drawn around any activity that is not allowed under islamic law. After all, we are all infidels to be killed under the sword.
I only have 11 months left on my prediction....the past few days unfortunately make it feel like it could come true.
What's gonna happen when we no longer need oil from this region and the people atop these monarchies are tumbled? Maybe we have a reverse Crusades.
What was the point of making these pictures of our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?
In Islam we dont make pictures of any other prophets. We respect all prophets, Jesus, Moses, Abraham. In our religion, even if you made pictures of these prophets, it would be considered a big sin.
We respect all religions, yet why dont the people who drawed what they did respect ours?
Moreover, why not write about our prophet peace be upon him from true sources? if you really learn about this Prophet, you will see what a mercy he was to mankind.
There really was no point other than the cartoonist was expressing his freedom in stating that Islam is not a religion of peace. He was stating that your prophet was being used by others to propagate violence.
If you truly respect religions then you have to respect those that do not have religion. In their 'religion' it is not a sin to draw pictures of prophets. Being offended gives you the right to protest, the right to picket, the right to not buy. It does not give you the right to look for hostages to take in a hotel or call for Osama to blow up Denmark and some of the religious leaders of your peaceful religion have called for this week.
Do you respect all religions? When you say we do you mean all muslims? Call me crazy but there are some people in your faith that would hope that Jews and Judaism would disappear tomorrow.
Furthermore....were was the outcry from the Islamic community when Muslim gunmen took over the Church of the Nativity? This is one of Christians holiest sites but the 'respectful' Muslims still took over the church.
What happened to them? Since we Christians were offended should we be able to stone them to death? Seems least by your depiction.
the point is not that the cartoon was a disrespectful, or a 'big sin' ...the point is no matter how highly offensive a picture may be it is not justification to kidnap people.
If we put a caricature on this blog of L Ron Hubbard getting sexy with Vishnu should I expect to be attacked by Tom Cruise and rogue factions of Hare Krishnas?
No matter how good you are in this life you are going straight to the hell some other guy's god created for you. I feel that any religion preaching peace or love in tandem with the exclusion, denigration, or even worse punishment, of any sort towards human beings that do not subscribe to its mystical non-ethical tenets (eg, belief in its particular deity or observance of a ritual) is guilty of philosophical hypocrisy.
Some additional background on the cartoon flap.
interesting site if it is real
As well put an opinion as I have seen on the topic:
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