Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Nym wants to Know: Hamas or Hummus?

You make the call....

There are others on here who are more knowledgable than I on this region but Nym wants to know what happens next? Honestly, I do not know but there are some really, really interesting factors out here:

1) How do the Palenstians survive without aid? If other Arab nations come to their rescue (which they have not shown the willingness to do so in the past except by rhetoric) what strain does that put on US/Europe and Arab relations?

2) Does Hamas recognize Israel as a state? If they do not, they get no aid...if they do then they become the Fatah which is what they were against.

3) What happens the next time a suicide strike happens in Israel?

This is going to be an interesting time in the Middle East and things will likely come to a head. The rabble rousing terrorist organization has now been given the ball to run with instead of jeering from the stands. Personally, I do not see them with an overnight transformation to some Geneva Convention standard following 'nation'. I see strife and Israel hitting back hard. I think there was a swing to a softer stance but this certainly could open the door for Ben Netanyahoo and his hardline stance. I really, really don't want to see a high noon standoff between these factions but I think that is what is coming.....


At 2:15 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

As I told you on AIM, I think this is an opportunity for mideast peace. In the near term, I think it will cause problems. However, in the long-term I agree with Iconoclast. I think now that they need to behave as adults and move away from their militant stance. I also think they have the street cred to get the other terrorists in line.

As I told Nym, only Nixon could go to China.

At 2:18 PM , Blogger Carl Spackler said...

And on a related topic, what in the heck is the deal with Muslims and this cartoon flap. Here is an excerpt from Google news right now, "Armed militants angered by a cartoon drawing of the Prophet Muhammad in several European newspapers surrounded the office of the EU Commission in Gaza and searched hotels for foreigners to kidnap in the West Bank, as outrage over the caricatures spread across the Islamic world on Thursday."

Searched hotels for foreigners to kidnap? When I read stuff like this, I REALLY question whether or not we will EVER be able to leave peaceably with these people. Their values are FUNDAMENTALLY different from ours.

At 7:11 AM , Blogger Nym Pseudo said...

Especially when several of their papers depict Jews in the same way. Of course Hummus today said that they will never recognize Israel nor deter from their goal of eliminating them. What a month ago had promise now leads me to believe that we are heading for a big showdown here.....same for Iran.


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